Saturday, December 10, 2005

Recipie for Maternal Torture

Start with one sick kid. Add in three more days of sickness, blended with overcast skies and rain. Bake under a home without cable TV and limited videos which have all been watched in the last month--twice! Stir in three nights of very little sleep, and a cold of her own. Once the first kid is almost done, throw in a second sick kid, five nights of bedsheets that have been wet in the middle of the night, a healthy kid who is sick of being indoors, and a kid who has been laying around for four days. Gently mix in a 'fridge and freezer running out of food, and top it all off with Christmas holiday preparations that need to be made (including four half-unpacked boxes sitting around the house). Finish baking under pleas of "When are we going to bake Christmas cookies?" and "Do we really have to do school today?"

Lord, I am so grateful for time with my kids, but please Lord, let this part be over soon!

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