Wednesday, August 08, 2007

God Covers All My Ducks

I've known for a while that all my ducks weren't in a row. Financially, I'm a goofball. No, really, I am. One of the things I've known for a while that I should do is make a list of everything in my wallet . . . you know, just in case it went missing. Didn't do it, but I should have.

Today the two younger boys and I went to the library in Gainesville. We do this monthly, so it's not an unusual thing. Before we left, we stopped at Sonic for a quick bite to eat (I do love that place!), so of course I had to use the . . . ehh hem . . . ladies room while we were there. I went back to the business of roaming around one of my favorite places in the world, picking out more books than we will ever read (but gosh! I could roll in them and be happy!). Unexpectedly, I was called to the circulation desk. I wondered what it was about--had they discovered fifteen books I forgot to bring back? Quick, where are the kids? So I went to grab my purse . . . only to find . . . no purse.

And yes, that was it. When I got to the desk, someone had turned in my purse, which I had left sitting on the shelf behind me in the restroom stall. Quickly I unzipped it to find that my wallet and a small change purse had been stolen. So the boys and I sat around the library for a couple hours waiting for a police officer so I could report my wallet missing. Meanwhile, my overactive brain was trying to recall what billions of cards I was carrying in those two wallets.

Now, for how God covered my ducks, even though I had not:

  • I only carry one credit card and one debit card. They are on the same account, so I had them cancelled in about ten minutes.
  • My bank was able to quickly lock my account with a password.
  • Most of my money had been left in my car, so they only got about ten bucks.
  • My car was running literally on fumes, but because I had left my money in the car, I had money to get gas.
  • Whoever stole my wallet left behind my checkbook and car keys.
  • My kids were safe.
  • No weapons were involved.
  • Everyone from the people at the circulation desk to the policeman that responded was very nice.
  • I never broke down in tears.
  • I only really have to replace my driver's license and wallet. The other cards will be easy to replace . . . if I remember all of them.
  • I didn't lose either of my library cards . . . well, I did lose my Clay County one, but I never use it anyway! My Jax and Alachau ones are safe and sound, and we were still able to check out all our books today!

As my best friend Eva told me, I had my cell phone, keys and library cards! How bad could it be?


Morgan said...

Wow! Isn't God good?

Anonymous said...



evab said...

Hey, I posted something new!Read it! Now!