Thursday, April 19, 2007

Why I Can't Really Complain

Forty Reasons to Give Thanks for My 40th Birthday:

  1. My parents who were both believers and who really loved the Lord and lived it, and loved each other sacrificially.
  2. My mom who modeled the importance of being a wife and mother.
  3. I got to spend my dad’s last years really getting to know him and love him.
  4. I have three very healthy, fun, energetic children.
  5. Every now and then, God gives me glimpses of how He might further His kingdom through my children and through me.
  6. Every single day, God woos me to look at Him again, even if I’ve completely forgotten Him.
  7. Books.
  8. My car: even though it’s giving me fits right now, for now it’s paid for.
  9. Through means I don’t understand, my house is somehow also paid for.
  10. God has given me so many people to be my covenant family and to turn my eyes back to Him when I get down, even when I whine and complain about not feeling celebrated on my birthday. (Thanks Gara, Wanda, Eva, and Cheryl)
  11. I get to homeschool my kids, and I LOVE doing it! They are so much fun!
  12. I live in a free country where I have too much stuff, too much food, too much time on my hands, and things actually come pretty easily.
  13. God has actually met my hearts desire to have a huge family by letting me be part-time “mom” to a number of other kids (oh, and how I love them!).
  14. I am in a church which teaches, lives, and loves God’s inerrant, infallible Word!
  15. God isn’t done with me yet, and yet He lets me see how far He’s come with me.
  16. God continues to meet our physical needs, while giving me a simple life.
  17. I can walk, and talk, and sing, and work . . . all pretty much pain free.
  18. God has amazing, exciting, awesome things planned for my future.
  19. Even though I don’t have a husband with whom I can share intimately, God has given me the most amazing couple of best friends who let me be me, and still love me. (What a miracle!)
  20. Books.
  21. God knew I needed the insights of men from time to time, and has given me friend’s husbands and a very special good friend to give me male counsel.
  22. I have probably thirty copies of God’s Word in my personal possession.
  23. I don’t have to worry that at any minute someone might break in the door and take me or my children away without any explanation or justification to do so.
  24. I have indoor plumbing.
  25. I have two sweet dogs who let me love on them even when the kids won’t.
  26. So far, I haven’t been blown away by a hurricane.
  27. Did I mention books?
  28. The Internet.
  29. God has given me relationships with some amazing single women who confirm and encourage my calling to stay home and care for my home and family.
  30. The whole Watkins clan who still claim me as family (how I love you guys!).
  31. In spite of anything I go through, I still have heaven to look forward to.
  32. God has made me spiritually wise. This has NOTHING to do with me. It is ALL Him!!! But it is SO cool to see connections in scripture and know that for reasons beyond me He has chosen to show me things.
  33. Pastors Barry Leventhal, Jon Krug, Greg Holladay, Rod Whited, and Phil Smuland who have fed me meat from God’s Word since I was very little until now, without shame or compromise, and who have modeled servant’s hearts for me. You guys are one of the biggest reasons I love scripture so much. Thanks for never trying to dumb it down for me.
  34. More songs to sing than I will sing in a lifetime, and more to learn once I get to heaven.
  35. My camera and the opportunity to use photography to tell a story and to minister to people.
  36. A college education that might not be earning me big bucks right now, but which taught me to think and to write.
  37. Twelve years with a man who was a wonderful husband and father, and who taught me about serving and loving another person. I really miss him.
  38. An understanding of how dangerous and destructive sin is, and a deep desire to never get trapped in its grips.
  39. Grace, salvation, and righteousness which I never would have had if God hadn’t loved me so much that He sent His best gift, his son Jesus Christ, to live a perfect life and to pay my price in exchange for my sin. I still think I got the better end of the covenant deal.
  40. All of my books, and all those I will own in the future.

Now, I think I will head to to buy me a birthday present.


Erin said...

Happy birthday Lisa! That's a pretty amazing list. We will always claim you as one of our own, too. :)

evab said...

My friend!!! I love you!!! Thanksgiving is the best antidote, isn't it? You are amazing.